Tuesday, 26 June 2007


Dried salt cod, or "Bacalhau", is a purely Portuguese invention. It's so popular in Portugal, that they say they have a different bacalhau recipe for each day of the year!
The Portuguese were fishing Newfoundland's Grand Banks for cod within just a few years of Columbus' discovery of America. As early as the 16th century, the fishermen learned to salt cod at sea to last the long voyage home, and to sun-dry it into board stiff slabs that could be kept for months, later to be soaked in cool water before cooking.
Cod is still sun-dried on racks the old way on the beach of Nazaré, although much less of it than in past decades. Portugal now is importing bacalhau from Norway just to be able to meet their annual demands. (retirado algures da internet)

Para fazer inveja aos amigos portugueses emigrantes (não vegetarianos, claro! ;)) por esse mundo fora, dêem uma espreitadela no meu jantar ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ora sai um bacalhauzinho!! Eheheh sim senhora, muitos parabéns! O aspecto é delicioso :)